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Exit notice: Tourism Bureau reminds us to suspend traveling to Jamaica
   Release time:2018-12-12 16:52:48   
According to the website of the National Tourism Administration, there was a riot in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. The National Tourism Administration issued an urgent travel notice to ask Chinese tourists to suspend their travel to Jamaica.
Travel tips from the National Tourism Administration say the riots in Kingston have hit several overseas Chinese shops. At present, no casualties have been reported. The Chinese Embassy in Jamaica has made representations to the Jamaican police to take practical measures to ensure the personal and property safety of Chinese citizens in Jamaica.
The National Tourism Administration reminds Chinese tourists to pay close attention to the situation in Jamaica and postpone their visit to Jamaica. Chinese tourists who have been in Jamaica should enhance their awareness of prevention and stay away from crowded places such as assembly, procession and demonstration in the area blocked by the government of Jamaica. In case of emergency, please call the police and contact the Chinese Embassy in Jamaica.
Related reports:
The death toll rises to 31 in Jamaica
According to Taiwan's "United News Network", Jamaican police said on the 25th that 31 people, including 28 civilians and 3 members of the security forces, were killed in the riots in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, for trial after drug lords were extradited to the United States.
Last week, under pressure from the United States, Prime Minister Gordon agreed to extradite Kirk, a member of the Jamaican national assembly, to New York for trial.
In the evening of 22, relevant US personnel arrived in Kingston by US military plane to meet them. A large number of supporters of Kirk poured into the streets the next day, shooting indiscriminately and setting fire to the police station. The Jamaican authorities were forced to declare a state of emergency in the capital.
The drug lord Kirk is still at large.
The conflict between Jamaican security forces and supporters of drug lord Christopher Kirk entered the second day on the 24th. The unrest in Jamaica is on the rise.
The Jamaican military and police exchanged fire with Kirk's supporters in West Kingston on the 24th. Military helicopters armed with machine guns could be seen circling over Kingston from time to time, and security forces were also attacked along the southeast coast of Kingston. The Jamaican police said on the same day that since the fighting broke out between the police force and Kirk's supporters on the afternoon of 23, two police officers have been killed and six others have been injured.
The Jamaican government has announced a one month state of emergency in Kingston and St. Andrew's areas since the 23rd.
Christopher Kirk is listed by the United States as one of the more dangerous drug lords in the world. Last August, the U.S. judiciary filed an application with the Jamaican government for Kirk's extradition. Jamaica initially rejected the US request, but under pressure from all sides, Jamaica's prime minister, Bruce Goldin, agreed to the extradition request last week. Since then, thousands of Kirk supporters gathered in the capital, Kingston, and launched attacks on several police stations on the afternoon of the 23rd.
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