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Tunisian National Tourism Office in China officially opened
   Release time:2018-12-12 17:01:40   

In the afternoon of June 1, in order to cooperate with the related activities of Tunisian National Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo, the "opening ceremony of Tunisian National Tourism Administration's representative office in China" was held in the office of Tunis National Tourism Administration in China, located in LG Gemini building, Chaoyang District. Mr. slim tlatli, Minister of national tourism of Tunisia, Dr. Mohamed Sahbi BASRI, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to China, and nearly 40 journalists from major media in Beijing attended the opening ceremony. The event is also one of the theme series of "Tunis tourism week".
Mr. slim tlatli, Minister of national tourism of Tunisia, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony: with the development of China's outbound tourism market and the continuous growth of the number of Chinese tourists going abroad, China has become a market with great potential. Beijing, as the capital of China, is an important part of this market. We have noticed that Chinese tourists are interested in other historical sites, cultural customs, etc. when they go to travel around the world, they are especially interested in experiencing different cultures around the world, so that tourism is not only a leisure tour, but also a cultural experience tour. The purpose of setting up the "representative office in China" of Tunis National Tourism Administration in Beijing is to let more Chinese people have a close understanding of Tunisia, and then they are willing to go to Tunisia to experience its unique multicultural platform. It is believed that the establishment of the "Representative Office of Tunis National Tourism Administration in China" will enable more Chinese people to understand Tunis; and we hope that through our efforts, more Chinese people are willing to go to Tunisia to experience the many historical sites and characteristic culture of the region. In 2010, especially taking advantage of the east wind of Shanghai World Expo, Tunisian National Tourism Administration has cooperated with many large domestic travel agencies to provide more tourism routes with Tunisian characteristics, so that tourists can have more choices. At the same time, Tunisian National Tourism Administration has also actively cooperated with the media to let more Chinese people know about Tunisia, a diverse Mediterranean country. We are looking forward to meeting you in Tunis National Pavilion, and looking forward to meeting you in Tunisia!

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