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Five day tour of Xishuangbanna
Date:December 1 / 10 / 15 / 22 / 27
Price:From 3299 yuan
5A Menglun botanical garden, Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Animal kingdom Wild Elephant Valley
Watching Peacocks Flying and splashing water - primeval forest park.
Learn about the history and culture of Pu'er tea in Dayi manor.
Daluomengjinglai scenic area is a natural village on the border of one village and two countries.

Day 1 take a flight - jinghonggasa Airport - Jinghong downtown (10km, about 20 minutes)

Today's professional pick-up crew, no need to wait, transfer to the hotel, arrange check-in; after check-in, tourists can visit Jinghong City, taste street food.
three meals:  Hotel: Banna

Day 2 Jinghong Menglun botanical garden primeval forest park

In the morning: after breakfast, go to Menglun Botanical Garden (about 1 hour by car and no less than 3 hours in the scenic spot), and visit the 5A scenic spot [Menglun botanical garden], which is established by famous botanist Mr. Cai Xitao, and has more than 3000 kinds of tropical and subtropical plants at home and abroad Enjoy lunch in China's larger botanical garden with rainforest as the main body, scientific research, plant germplasm conservation, science popularization and eco-tourism.

In the afternoon: take a bus to the primeval forest park (1 hour by car, about 2 hours in the scenic area, excluding 50 yuan / person for the battery car), watch the Dai People's water splashing activities, watching Peacocks Flying, ethnic song and dance performances, Aini mountain village robbing activities, Jiulong waterfall, and walking to enjoy the charm of tropical Valley rainforest. Then back to the city.

Evening: after dinner, you can enjoy the Dai show at night. Based on the long narrative poem Peacock Princess of the Dai nationality, it tells a young man's spiritual story about love, temptation and rebirth. Through dazzling on-the-spot special effects, dazzling costumes, penetrating stereo sound effects and fantastic scenes, the whole performance shows the mysterious rainforest world in an international way, and perfectly interprets the tacit understanding of the interdependence between human beings and nature and between human beings and living beings in Xishuangbanna for thousands of years.

The Dai show project will be suspended for social maintenance. If this time occurs, the travel agency will directly replace the gift item with a gift of mengbalanaxi song and dance performance. If the guest voluntarily gives up the gift, the fee will not be refunded.

three meals: morning: medium: evening: Hotel: Banna


Day 3 Jinghong Wild Elephant Valley Dayi

In the morning: after breakfast, go to the wild elephant valley scenic spot (1 hour's drive) to visit the AAAA scenic spot "Wild Elephant Valley". The only place in China that can communicate closely with Asian wild elephants is the National Park and international ecotourism scenic spot with the premise of animal protection and environmental protection. It is also China's Asian elephant ecological reserve, Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, and the National Nature Reserve of Xishuangbanna UNESCO Man and biosphere reserve is the center of communication and gathering of wild Asian elephants. Have a close contact with the elephant (voluntarily choose to take the cableway for 70 yuan / person at his own expense). Wild Elephant Valley arranges Chinese food to taste the unique elephant meal.
three meals: morning: Middle: evening:  Hotel: Banna D5 day 5: Dai Village Jinghong  Dai Family Cultural Park  return to a warm home In the morning: after breakfast, take a bus to the Dai Village (30 minutes by car and 180 minutes for the tour). The houses in the village are of "dry fence" type bamboo buildings, and the bamboo fences between households form their own courtyards. Around the village, coconuts, bananas, bamboo forests and other fruit trees are planted around the village. Everywhere, it is full of luxuriant scenery and exotic atmosphere. Let you have a deeper understanding of Dai People's living customs. As a visitor to the Dai family, you can listen to a joke told by Sao Duoli of the Dai family. You can learn a few words of the local Dai language, understand the life customs of the Dai people, and experience the Dai Flavor culture. It is also a folk ecological scenic spot where the history, culture, religion, architecture, living customs, clothing, diet, handicraft, production and life of the Dai people are displayed in Xishuangbanna. According to the flight schedule of the guests, after 17:00, the night flight guests will visit the AAAA level scenic spot - [Xishuangbanna tropical flower garden] (excluding battery car 40 / person, In Jinghong City, the tour time is 60 minutes). To understand the tropical plants and appreciate the exotic flowers and plants, the tropical flower garden displays the connotation of science popularization through the garden landscape of tropical flowers and plants. It is a theme park integrating scientific research, popular science, patriotic education, tourism, leisure and vacation. There are more than 100 species of tropical flowers, more than 300 varieties, and more than 600 species of tropical economic plants with nearly 7000 germplasms. Through unique creativity and novel garden layout, the mysterious veil of these tropical flowers, tropical fruit trees, southern medicine and other plants closely related to human life is revealed, so that you can not only enjoy the beautiful tropical scenery and Banna style, but also let you experience it People live in harmony with nature, and feel free, comfortable and comfortable. According to the flight time, return to the warm home. End your pleasant journey to Xishuangbanna.  three meals: morning:  Hotel:

In the afternoon: take a bus to Menghai (2 hours by car) and pass through WanMu tea garden in nannuo mountain. Arrive and visit Dayi manor, a 4A level scenic spot near the front of the country's ancient tea and horse road (60 yuan / person for self paid battery car). Menghai is the source of Pu'er tea and the starting point of ancient tea and horse road. You can feel the history of ancient tea horse road and look for the memory of its prosperity. We will break through the dust laden historical gate here and start from history To explore the mysterious ancient road, understand the growth and processing process of Pu'er tea, and taste the mellow Pu'er tea. Arrange dinner in the manor.

In the evening: stay in the environmental protection theme hotel in Dayi manor that night. The hotel has no disposable toiletries. Guests need to bring their own. In the evening, they can participate in the bonfire party in Dayi manor scenic area: sing and dance around the bonfire with ethnic minorities (if the weather is bad in rainy days or special activities in the manor, the bonfire party will be automatically cancelled without any fee reduction).

three meals: morning: medium: evening: Hotel: Menghai


Day 4: Menghai and Luomeng

In the morning: after breakfast, go to Daluo (1.5 hours by car) and visit the national port town - Daluo (150 minutes' visit to jadeite jade on the Sino Myanmar border)

Visit the country, feel the border customs and take photos. Go to mengjinglai scenic spot near qianzhai, Myanmar (0.5 hours drive), arrive at Mengjing, and enjoy Dai cuisine on the traditional Dai bamboo building.

In the afternoon, mengjinglai is a typical Dai traditional village, adjacent to Myanmar. It has frequent contacts and intermarriages with Myanmar Shan border residents, forming a rare phenomenon of mixed Dai and Shan people. In terms of culture, it maintains the traditional cultural characteristics of border ethnic minorities. More than 400 people in the village believe in Theravada Buddhism (Hinayana Buddhism). There is a Buddhist temple in the village. All boys must become monks when they are seven or eight years old. They can learn Dai language, Buddhist classics and Dai's history, culture and scientific knowledge in Buddhist temples, so as to inherit broad and profound Beiye culture. Then return to Banna by car (2.5 hours). After dinner, you can go to the Sheraton Hotel and have a rest. The hotel provides you with sulfur hot spring pool and swimming pool for free. You can wash away the tiredness of the day, relax your body and mind, recall today's interesting events, and enter into a sweet dream.

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